Develop Your
Career With Us
Human resources play an important role in helping us realize our vision to become one of the largest, best-managed and sustainable resource-based groups that can create value for society, the environment, customers and the company.
Open communication, openness to new opportunities, and hard work can steer your career journey toward your desired destination.
The ability to adapt to change and remain flexible in approach is a valuable asset.
Networking & Relationships
Build good relationships with colleagues, superiors, and people in relevant industries. Networking can open doors to new opportunities.
Together, we prioritize customer satisfaction by delivering products that boast best-in-class quality.



Pria usia maks. 35 Tahun
Minimal lulusan SMK Teknik Pemesinan
Mampu mengoperasikan mesin bubut
Bisa menggunakan alat ukur
Mampu membaca gambar teknik
Mampu bekerja sama dengan team
Teliti, jujur dan bertanggung jawab
terhadap pekerjaan
Usia maks. 30 tahun
Minimal lulusan SMK sederajat
Mampu mengoperasikan mesin gerinda
Bisa menggunakan alat ukur
Mampu bekerja sama dengan team
Bersedia ikut shift
– Usia maksimal 40 tahun
– Pendidikan D3/S1 Teknik Mesin/ Teknik Industri/ Teknik Pertambangan/ Teknik Metalurgi
– Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai Sales Engineer Mining
– Memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris yang baik
– Memiliki komunikasi dan persentasi yang sangat baik dan mampu menyampaikan informasi teknis dengan cara yang jelas dan mudah dipahami.
– Mampu menjangkau segmen pasar dibidang pertambangan (mining)
– Memastikan bahwa target penjualan tercapai sesuai dengan
rencana dan strategi perusahaan
– Membangun dan memelihara hubungan baik dengan pelanggan,
termasuk pengelolaan klien potensial dan yang sudah ada
– Bernegosiasi dengan klien untuk mencapai kesepakatan
mengenai harga, ketentuan pembayaran dan syarat-syarat lainnya
– Memberikan saran teknis tentang solusi yang paling sesuai
dengan kebutuhan operasional klien
• Maximum age 35 years old
• Fluency in English is a must
• Must have driving license A
• At least 2 years of experience as a Sales Representative
• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in any major
• Good teamwork and problem solving skill
• Good communication skill, strong negotiation and presentation skills
• Understand the marketing plan and execute it very well
• Conduct research to identify new markets and client needs
• Work together as a team to achieve targets of bringing in new clients for Business owners and Professionals
• Build and duplicate business in accordance with company strategy,
expectations and standards
• Negotiate on projects obtained and can provide solutions to customers
• Create sales reports and evaluations
Join With Us Asia Raya Foundry
Jl.Sei Belumai No.118 Dusun I Desa Dagang
Kelambir Tanjung Morawa
"ARF is a great place for personal development. Here, I learned how to become a person of integrity, discipline, and productivity. The comfortable and supportive working environment enables me to reach my maximum potential."